Through my work with Speak Out, a non-profit, mission-driven speakers agency and education institute, I am available for speaking, workshops, and other professional development sessions. Since 2015 I have spoken at hundreds of colleges and universities, companies, and organizations on topics of Native representations and Native higher education.
For more information on my offerings please visit my Speak Out page.
If your company, school, or organization is looking for a more tailored approach or has other consulting needs, I am happy to discuss more with you individually. Please use the form on my contact page and I will get back to you shortly.
My skill areas include:
- Qualitative research: Ethnography, interviewing, qualitative surveys; data coding and analysis; thematic analysis; interpreting evaluation data; findings dissemination
- Research-based writing: Research reports/white papers; academic peer reviewed articles, book chapters, translating research for public understanding (blog posts, opeds, fact sheets)
- Media creation/storytelling: podcast interviewing, podcast publicity and marketing, blog creation and marketing, social media expertise
- Trainings and presentations: possible topics include settler colonialism 101; overviews of Indigenous identity, history, and current affairs; including Native people in “diversity” corporate conversations; cultural appropriation and Native representations; Native peoples in higher education; universities’ roles in settler colonialism; & more