

I am interested in the ways contemporary Native peoples, particularly young adults, are navigating spaces and negotiating what it means to be modern Indigenous people in an age of digital and social media, and the ways these technological advances are allowing for Native peoples to expand ideas of Nation Building, identity, community, and activism. These broad interests have developed into two distinct, but overlapping, areas of work: College access and transition for Native students, and examining representations of Native peoples in pop culture through online communities. These two strands of my research agenda examine the ongoing impacts of colonialism and the erasure of Native peoples from the American narrative, Native perspectives on cultural appropriation, as well as the power of education for Native peoples to push back on stereotypes and work to (re)define what it means to be a contemporary Native person.

My current academic CV can be found here.

Course Syllabi: 

 Introduction to Ethnic Studies (2022)

Introduction to Critical Race Theory (2018)

Contemporary Indigenous Education in North America

 History and Resistance in Representations of Native Peoples

New Media as a Tool for Social and Political Change

Settler Colonialism, Resistance, and Resilience

Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee Citizenship, and DNA testing (syllabus made for the Critical Ethnic Studies Blog with Cherokee Scholars Joseph Pierce and Rebecca Nagle)

I'm happy to share my syllabi here and hope they're helpful, I'd just ask that you credit me if you end up using verbatim text or large portions of any of these documents. I’d also love to hear from you how you’ve used them—it helps my tenure case too! They're also always works in progress, so check back for newer versions.

If you use or cite my work and would like to help my tenure case, please let me know by using this form. Thank you!




  • 2021    Keene, A. Notable Native People: 50 Indigenous Leaders, Dreamers, and Changemakers from History and Today

         (Penguin Random House—Ten Speed Press, represented by Literary Agent Alia Hanna Habib at The Gernert Company) 

Peer Reviewed Articles

Other Academic Publications

Book Chapters

  • 2020       Keene, A. J. “#NoDAPL as Pedagogy: Bringing the Movement into the University Classroom.” In D. Paris, A. Eagleshield, T. San Pedro, & R. Paris (Eds), Education in Movement Spaces: From Standing Rock to Chicago Freedom Square. Routledge Press.

  • 2019       Keene, A. J. “To the Man Who Gave Me Cancer.” In E. Washuta & T. Warburton (Eds.), Shapes of Native Nonfiction: Collected Essays by Contemporary Writers. University of Washington Press.

  • 2018       Keene, A. J. “Tough Conversations and ‘Giving Back’: Native Freshman Experiences and Perspectives on College Access”. In S. Waterman, S.Lowe, & H. Shotton, (Eds.), Beyond Access: Native Students and College Access. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

  • 2018       Keene, A. J. “Understanding Relationships in the College Process: Indigenous Methodologies, Reciprocity, and College Horizons Students” In H. Shotton & R. Minthorn (Eds), Indigenous Methodologies in Higher Education Research. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Press.

  • 2017       Keene, A. J. “Love in the Time of Blood Quantum: The Relationships Between Dating and Colonialism.” In Hill, N., Rattertree, K., (Eds.), The Great Vanishing Act: Blood Quantum and the Future of Native Nations. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing.

  • 2015       Keene, A; Lowe, S.C. (2015) “Introduction to projects in Education.” In D. Norman & J. Kalt (Eds.), Universities and Indian Country: Case Studies in Tribal-Driven Research. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press.


  • 2020       Keene, A. J. “Dear Native Student: You are Loved.” In S. Stenburg & C. Hogg (Eds.), Women’s Rhetorical Acts: Writing, Speaking, and Making in the 21st Century. Pittsburg, PA: University of Pittsburg Press.

  • 2015       Keene, A. J. “Dear Native Student: You are Loved.” In L. Charleyboy, M. Leatherdale (Eds.), Urban Tribes: Native Americans in the City. Toronto: Annick Press.

                        90-94. (Originally written for

Book Review

  • 2012       Keene, A. Review of Postsecondary Education for American Indian and Alaska Natives: Higher Education for Nation Building and Self-Determination, by Brayboy, BMJ., Castangno, A., Fann, A., & Solyom, J., Harvard Educational Review, 82(4), 559.